The Caring Touch (Part 2)

My spiritual awakening continued when I trained as a nurse. I think nursing was my purpose in life as it went hand in hand with my spiritual abilities. My spiritual gifts certainly helped me cope with my training and my angels and spirit guides were there for me as I experienced many difficult and distressing life and death situations.  It was during this time that I began to learn what life and death were about. I appreciated how precious life was and realised that we are here on a journey to learn and grow.

I was not afraid of nursing someone dying, I was just full of compassion for them and their relatives who often feel helpless in that situation. Looking back, I was always able to offer the support or comfort that was required to both the patients and the relatives. I was very young and quite naive, yet it amazed me how I found the words or the actions needed, which formed a strong bond with those I was interacting with. This has continued throughout my nursing career, though I have gained more confidence, learning and growing with each experience. I found that I generally love people and have a passion for caring for them. It is the empathy I show to others that has not only made me the nurse I am today, but has guided me through my life in general, and being a wife and mother.

I give thanks to the angels and guides who have been by my side throughout this journey, guiding me and supporting me to give my best or learn from my mistakes. The medium friend who was guiding me, had previously informed me that I had a nurse spirit with me. I could see her myself. She was middle aged and in the uniform of the 50s era and was the typical sister/matron type of that time. She was very strict and always insisted that I never take any short cuts, but to do things properly. She would never let anyone get the better of her and could be firm with fellow staff and patients alike. She also had a soft side and was very kind to her patients when they needed her to be. I guess you can say she was very fair and I felt she had been very well respected by all who had known her. As a young nurse I respected her, but I also felt a little afraid whenever I felt her presence. Her strength always gave me confidence and I valued that she appeared during difficult or challenging situations. I still doubted these abilities and often thought my nurse friend was just my imagination. A few years later as a qualified nurse, I happened to be nursing a gentleman who claimed he was a medium. He was quite poorly and due to his condition was often difficult to nurse and not very cooperative.  As I attended to him one day when he was in such a mood, my spirit nurse came to help.

The gentleman looked behind me and told me that he did not like my nurse friend. I thought he was referring to one of my colleagues, but he described my spirit nurse exactly as I see her. After this we built up a good rapport and he always acknowledged my spirit nurse with a smile and a cheeky salute.

My medium friend also informed me that I had a spirit nun guiding me. She is very young, although she lived many centuries ago. This nun has a very gentle nature and she always appears during delicate or emotional situations. My medium friend informed me that this nun would help me comfort and calm people who are frightened or anxious. She would always be with me when I am caring for those who are in their final days and it is my purpose to assist them to leave their life on earth and pass over peacefully. The nun is often with me in my nursing today.

The first time I was aware of her presence was as a young recently qualified nurse, I was nursing an elderly gentleman during a night shift. The gentleman had been very restless and agitated throughout the night, despite the sedation that had been given. When my colleague was on her break, I went yet again to try and settle him. This time, my nun guide whispered to me to take his hand and gently reassure him and encourage him to sleep. I do not remember what words I used, but I felt a heat burning through my hand as I held his hand. The gentleman looked at me as if he had actually seen me for the first time and then peacefully closed his eyes. My hand continued to burn for some time and I felt an electric energy around the patient’s bed which was present for the rest of the night.

My colleague returned from her break amazed that the gentleman had settled. I never spoke about my experience as I was trying to believe it myself. The gentleman had a few more peaceful days and nights before he eventually passed away. I spoke about this experience to my family and my medium friend, who reassured me that it was my nun guide who had helped me comfort and calm my patient that night.

On reflection, there was also another occasion where she probably helped me when I was a student nurse –  During my training, I was gaining some experience working in an operating theatre, and there was one occasion when I was surprised to get called out from what I was doing , to help a patient who had become extremely agitated while he was in the reception room of another theatre. The patient was a middle aged man who was lying restlessly on a trolley and shouting, for he was petrified of his forthcoming operation, so they were unable to take him into the theatre. Everyone working in the reception area had tried in vain to reassure him, but to no avail. One of my fellow students who happened to be assigned to that theatre that day, for some reason knew that I would be the person who could calm him down, so she had suggested for me to be called.  I held the man’s hand and spoke to him calmly, again I do not remember what I said, but within minutes he was calmed and ready to proceed with his operation.  I accompanied him to the anaesthetic room, still holding his hand. He held on tightly to me, putting all his faith and trust in me. I went to see him when he was in recovery. He felt embarrassed at his extreme anxiety, although he was so grateful for the support I had given him and he could not thank me enough. I often think back to this incident and wonder how was I able to calm him. I was very young and was not aware of my gifts or of my nun guide. I also question how my friend was aware that I could calm this gentleman.   My spirit guides and this gentleman’s guides must have worked together to bring us all together to solve the problem. I guess the Lord works in mysterious ways!

It is my belief that everything happens for a reason, the good and the bad. We are here to learn and grow as we travel on our life journey. Life can be hard and sometimes we think things will never get better. The angels want me to share my experiences with you to make you aware that angels, your family who are now in spirit, and spirit guides are always by your side, guiding and comforting you. You only have to ask for their help. I will continue with more stories of my spiritual awakening in future blogs, until then I hope my writing brings snippets of joy, hope, happiness and comfort to your life.