I know I should post this….Intuition

Life can be hard at times and can present us with many difficult challenges and situations. Sometimes we may require help and advice from those around us. Although that advice is given with kindness, it does not always mean it is the right way forward to resolve those difficulties or challenges that we are facing. No one really knows or understands how we are feeling or what we are going through, unless they are experiencing it too. Everyone is different and deals with things in their own way. When faced with difficult times, it is important that we remain true to ourselves and follow our own intuition. So if the kind advice given is practical and logical, yet our hearts and general feeling is telling us different, we must not ignore these warnings that come from deep within ourselves, from our intuition.

It can be hard to know whether to follow your head or your heart. Likewise, it can be awkward to decline the offer of help from those who are acting out of kindness and general concern, especially if they are persistent, as they firmly believe they have the only solution.

I have recently experienced such a situation. The kind help I was offered, whilst it appeared to be a logical solution, it would not have completely resolved the unfortunate circumstances I am in. I listened carefully to all my options. I then found myself battling between following my head which appeared to be a practical step in the right direction, or follow my heart by declining the help offered. I did not want to hurt those who were trying to help and I feared that declining their kind offer would label me as being stubborn and selfish. I could not ignore those feelings deep within me, that were telling me despite everything, taking up this offer was not the right thing to do, and that it would only make me unhappy.

My circumstances have not changed, but I have more peace of mind for having followed my intuition. I have faith that my intuition will guide and lead me to a happier solution to my situation very soon.  I also hope that one day the kind people whose help I declined, will come to respect and appreciate my decision.

Everyone has intuitive abilities, yet unfortunately not all of us know how to act upon them. This is because we often look outside of ourselves or to others for answers. We seem to have lost the ability to look within, as we don’t know how to trust ourselves or we are conditioned to seeking guidance from others. Intuition gives us the ability to know in ways that our logical, rational mind could never know. It works with information that we do not consciously have and is often called our “sixth sense” Some may consider the concept of following our intuition is a bit wacky, but research by highly regarded universities has concluded that intuition is more effective than logical thinking when it comes to decision making. Even Albert Einstein quoted,

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Some people may not know how to recognise the voice of intuition from all of the other things that they are hearing. The voice of intuition is that still, small voice of the faithful friend within. It is never frantic or fearful, but it is all knowing. If there is a trace of fear, it is not our authentic selves, as the voice of intuition is a calm, knowing truth. We need to learn to attune to it, so we can rely on it and apply it.

Intuition comes from deep within us, as through our gut or heart we just sense when something is not right or when something makes us feel happy. This kind of intuition warns us of danger and should always be listened to.

My intuition has always served me well, but naturally I have sometimes doubted it and therefore not followed it. This proved to be a mistake and showed that my intuition is always right. Once we recognise our voice of intuition we need to have the confidence to trust in it. This is where many of us fail, as to build that trust means that we have to believe in ourselves. For some this can be difficult to do.

I have always lacked confidence. Recently I am starting to learn to believe in myself more. This is thanks to my eldest daughter who has encouraged me to. She has inspired me with her strong determination to follow her intuition. She recently followed her heart by giving up her career and heading off to France to make a life there. She had no job, no secure accommodation and could not speak French. Many thought that she was mad and they still do. Despite everything and all of those who doubted her, she has found a job, a secure home and is slowly getting to grips with the language. Her intuition and her ability to have faith and believe in herself has led her to find everything she has hoped for. She is very happy and she is at peace with herself. This is because she is being true to herself.

I do not know when she suddenly became so wise, but she constantly reassures me to have faith, follow my heart and believe in myself. She tells me not to concern myself with what others may think but to just smile politely, accept what they are saying gracefully and turn and walk away. I am very proud of my daughter and my intuition tells me that she has a very successful and happy future ahead.

Life and life’s challenges may be easier for us if we all learn to trust our intuition. Our intuition is really our soul from deep within. You may lie to yourself but your self will never lie to you. By following our hearts and soul we are being authentic to ourselves and we will find a happier and fulfilling life.