Being ourselves

We are all here on earth for a reason and we all have a purpose in life. Everyone is blessed, as we are born with our own beautiful uniqueness. It is that gift of uniqueness which makes us who we truly are and it guides us to find our purpose in life.

Unfortunately society of today encourages us all to spend our time comparing ourselves to others and trying to be like others. We do this to be accepted and liked. This may please those around us, but it allows us to be untrue to ourselves so that we lose our authentic identity and prevent that beautiful uniqueness within us from shining. We may, also never discover our purpose in life. This is a shame, as denying who we really are creates a life of stress and unhappiness and it erodes our confidence. Our uniqueness longs to be expressed and shared to the world.

To be true to yourself can require a lot of strength and courage. Some young people of today believe that when they follow their peers by behaving inappropriately, such as excessive drinking and partying, they will be liked and popular. Yet deep down, their instincts are telling them that their behaviour is not in alignment with their true self. This only leads to confusion, as they do not know who they are trying to please.

When you are true to yourself, you allow your individuality and uniqueness to shine through. This requires the courage to be introspective, sincere, open minded and fair. It does not mean that you are selfish, inconsiderate or disrespectful of others. It means that you will not let others define you or make decisions for you that you should make for yourself. Even if your decisions turn out to be the wrong ones, you will learn from those mistakes and grow in character. You still respect and value the opinions and beliefs of others, but you will not conform to their expectations of you or allow them to deter you from your own opinions and beliefs.

“People take different roads seeking fulfilment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” Dalai Lama.

Authenticity is at the heart of success. Understanding and accepting who you are, the good and the bad traits, will attract people who embrace you and opportunities will appear which will move you forward on your journey.  Authenticity is looking at yourselves with growing awareness and sorting through the things that have held you back from being who you truly are.  This takes courage, perseverance and the need to step out of your comfort zone. You need to move away from the fear what others will think of you and to release the belief that you must always think and behave how others want you to. You need to accept that it is okay to focus on pleasing yourself and not always putting others first.

Even today, having always lacked confidence, never believing in myself, striving to please those around me and forever worried what others will think, I continue to struggle to live in alignment with my true self.  Throughout my life I have had moments were my true self shines. Looking back those moments have always been uplifting and fulfilling.

I discovered from a very early age that my purpose in life is to care for people and animals. I achieved this by becoming a nurse, which has given me so much fulfilment and happiness. This has not been an easy path, as my own fears, lack of confidence, self- doubt, and low self-esteem have got in the way. Fortunately my uniqueness was able to show strength, courage and determination to overcome all of these obstacles and I am a compassionate caring nurse who has made a difference to many lives. Likewise I feel fulfilled and happy being a loving wife and caring mum to my 2 daughters. My true self also has to have animals to care for in my life. I am fortunate to have shared my home with many dogs and cats over the years.

I do not know why I was created with the spiritual gift of being able to see and hear angels and spirits. This is something that has been part of me since childhood. I have suppressed it over the years, as I have always been afraid of other peoples’ opinions. Some may think that I am wacky, while others may be frightened, thinking that I am playing with the devil. I have come to realise that I am blessed to have such a gift and that by suppressing it, is only turning my back on who I really am. I have been created to be who I am. I have been given this gift to use to the highest good by bringing comfort, peace and clarity to those who are sent to me.

It is strange that no matter how hard I have tried to ignore my spiritual abilities, it has always reappeared. It has helped and supported me in many ways throughout my life, through the good times and the bad times. It gives me confidence, fulfilment and brings me lots of peace and happiness.

Finding your purpose in life means following your heart. If the passion for something you believe in or feel you must do, makes your heart sing, then this is your purpose in life. My purpose in life is to use this spiritual gift I have been blessed with. I need to believe in myself and not let others tell me any different. Everything I believe and do comes from the heart with good intentions. I am still battling to accept this part of me, but the more I do accept it, I feel that this is the true me which makes me feel free and that I am living my life as it is meant to be.

Our creator loves us all unconditionally and wants us all to live a peaceful and happy life. Life can be hard and stressful at times but we learn and grow from these unfortunate times. Our beliefs and our religion comforts us and helps us through the difficult moments and struggles in life. Religion is very personal to us and is part of who we are. It should not matter what religion we follow, even if we are an atheist, as long as we have good intentions and show kindness and compassion to those around us. If we have a loving heart we will be welcomed by our creator.

It is good to rejoice and talk openly about our religion and beliefs, but we should never impose our own religion and beliefs upon anyone else. Unfortunately religion has always been the excuse for wars and hatred for each other.

We should be more tolerant and less judgmental towards each other. Perhaps then the world would be a happier and peaceful place to live in. We are all created to have free will. Unfortunately it is man, not our creator, who destroys peace and happiness to their fellow mankind by their hatred and lack of tolerance to those who are different than themselves.   We should respect everyone’s individual religion and beliefs, as this is our beautiful uniqueness we are born with. Everyone deserves to live without judgement and fear of being true to themselves.

We should all learn to love ourselves for who we are, as we have been created that way. We should love the way we look, but if your true self tells you to change your looks to improve your health and happiness, then that is the way forward. Dress as your true self wants you to dress as this expresses your beautiful uniqueness within you. Those who feel that they are born of the wrong gender in the wrong body, should openly express their true self. Suppressing those feelings only leads to confusion and a very stressful and unhappy life.

Life is a journey of self- discovery. Go within to find out who and what you really are. Find the ability you have to change for the better by living and taking care of yourself.  In seeking other’s approval you strive to please them, but very often you ignore your own feelings. Care as much about yourself as you do for others for your own health and well-being. This is not selfish, for you are providing yourself with a healthy and happy life, so that you can help those around you.

Be true to yourself, listen and follow your heart. See yourself as a person of value who deserves love, kindness and support. Believe in yourself and your dreams, despite what others say. Your religion and beliefs are sacred to you and should be respected by others as you respect theirs. Be grateful for your own beautiful uniqueness and be proud for being you.

“We are each gifted in a unique and important way, it is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light” Mary Dunbar